Saturday, March 14, 2020

BPT Open Houses

During my 23 years as a Petro-Canada terminal electrician, we had two Open Houses and invited the public to see what we were all about.  Burrard Products Terminal during those years was a success story within the company as well as within the community.  Terminal Manager, Horace Armoogum, was the driving force behind our successes on so many levels.  He fostered a Workplace Culture that holistic and inclusive - where employees felt their efforts and their safety was valued.



Burrard Products Terminal in Port Moody held an Open House in the summer of 2008 and visitors were invited to help celebrate our success as a terminal and our involvement in the community.  We have a lot to be proud of. 

Terminal Manager, Horace Armoogum, welcomed Coquitlam Mayor, Maxine Wilson to the Open House.  The Terminal is involved with many community organizations within the Tri-Cities.

Hundreds of visitors enjoyed themselves in this 400 acre site that also straddles the Barnet Highway.

A star attraction was a Stellar sealion which was one of a number of sealions being studied by the university down by our dock to see why they are disappearing in the wild.

Wonderful memories of decades of corporate and community achievements in an award winning workplace culture.